Published Work

Not only am I a Crystal Reiki Master and Brand Strategist, but I'm also a creative writer! In fact, I've built a 25-year career on it, honing my skills as a digital copywriter, editor, and communications specialist. I currently manage my own editorial brand called Dragonfly Dreams Editorial Services, where we specialize in bilingual social media content management and strategy, web copy, magazine editing, and high-quality internal communications Spanish/English translations.
So, it came as no surprise when I decided to contribute my spiritual path through my writing in books. With one multi-author book already under my belt and another one on the way, publishing my spiritual journey is another step into Oneness.

Magdalene Rising
Magdalene Rising tells the inspiring stories of 29 courageous women whom each embody the frequency of Mary Magdalene in their own beautiful expressions. These women listen to their heart and inner knowing above all else and fiercely stand in their feminine power serving through their gifts, leadership, and shining their light so brightly they light the path for others.

"The Divine Feminine lights us up like a crystal from within when we inner stand Her. Her crystalline magic lies in her very real, non-judgmental space-holding of you as the true light of the world. The treasure lies in the mind that knows the light. It is the pure-hearted mind and knowledge that we all are the light of the world that moves mountains and sparks miracles. This is the knowledge of the Magdalene."
- a peek at Brenda Soulfire's chapter in Magdalene Rising
Jaguar Medicine tells the activating stories of fierce women frequency keepers birthing the New Earth. These are the women our ancestors foretold of - the wild women, mystics, sacred rebels, shamaness, divine disruptors, Feminine Christ, visionaries, and medicine women.
Jaguar Medicine tells the activating stories of fierce women frequency keepers birthing the New Earth. These are the women our ancestors foretold of - the wild women, mystics, sacred rebels, shamaness, divine disruptors, Feminine Christ, visionaries, and medicine women.
These women are the magic itself, they carry the new codes, they forge the way forward for all. They trust they embody, they expand, they do the work. They are elemental, forces of nature, deeply connected and embodied while navigating this exciting time in our planet's evolution with heart.