What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?
Common sources of crown chakra blocks include midlife crises (such as reevaluating jobs or relationships), negative feedback on things you value, and conflicted family relationships. Basically, it happens whenever the belief in separation becomes strong in us and activates the ego and its sense of separation.
Here are some sure signs your crown energy center needs some TLC. If so, I can help. Inbox me to read how.

Crown Chakra Energy Symptoms:
● Cynicism
● Apathy
● Disconnected from your spirituality
● Self-destructiveness
● Greed
● Poor coordination
● Confusion
● Lack of inspiration
● Want to oversleep
● Chronic tension headaches
● Exhaustion
● Loneliness
● Overalls skin reactions out of the blue
Just perfect
● Trusting your intuition
● Sense of completion
● Sense of trust in life and people
● Seeing Oneness
● Awareness
● Being in the now
● Sacred flow